Monday, April 1, 2013

Time-Based Artist Proposal

I am going to research the artist Eleanor Antin. When I was scrolling through the artists I could choose from I what reading about what the artists do and what they create. They all just seemed okay to me. I would think, "Okay, I guess I could work with that." Then I came across Eleanor Antin. I thought she was just so cool. She is really into culture and history. She does a great job of capturing the moment of a certain historical moment or time period. I am just fascinated by her creations.

My interpretation of her artwork seems simple, but it really makes me excited. I come from an Irish background. My whole life I participated in almost anything that involved my Irish heritage. From celebrating certain holidays to Irish dancing, I was always involved. In relation to my culture, I want to represent what my ancestors had to go through; how we were depicted by America back in the day or the very simple life that was lived back in Ireland. I plan to either represent my culture either in one image or multiple ones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen. This sounds interesting and I am so happy you found an artist from the list that you are excited about! Just a few questions: What do you think you will include within your image(s) to illustrate Ireland's history? Will you include models/actors/props like Antin does or will you have a different approach? Since this is related to your ancestors, will you appear in your photographs?

    You may have already stumbled upon it, but there is a great Art 21 feature about Antin's photographic works. Here is the link.
