Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cumulative Acts Proposal

For this assignment I think I plan on working with paint. Not being able to work with paint or pencil for so long has been driving me crazy. I have really been constricted since I am enrolled in two digital art classes and with all my other work I don't have much time to paint on my own time, which is something I would love to do! This assignment is a great opportunity for me to get back in the game.

I plan on selecting a few amount of colors of paint and choosing a different color for each day of the week. I want to allow the paint to add color for a background of my doodles. I want to create a bunch of blind doodles on the paper. I will then look at all I created and pick the ones that made an actually picture out of. I really want to work big so I plan on making a collage almost.

By the end of the semester I think my work of art will take on a layered, but organized look. There will be many colors and many little doodles all on one big canvas. This will show my process of creation. The build of of many days of paint and doodles... over a long period of time. It will be able to stand on its own because it will be visually aesthetic and it will show time because of the array of doodles and color of the paint.

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