Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sound Project "I Don't Know"

Creating this piece was quite a challenge, but I had fun doing it! I was really attracted to sounds that normally annoy people such as finger tapping, crinkling of water bottles, teeth chattering, and pencil tapping. For some odd reason I had an urge to record these noises even though they annoy me as well. I think their repetition quality was something I liked. During the process of actually manipulating the sounds was where I had the most fun. I enjoyed making the high pitched noises I recorded sound real low. It was a way to challenge myself to make the sound not sound like the sound at all! A challenge as well as a mouthful! I didn't do that to all the sounds though, I did create a repetitiveness throughout; sometimes more prominent than others. Some sounds just stuck out to me more than others and that's how I decided what needs to go where. I can't describe it anymore than that!

My piece conveys an almost frustrated and calm mood at the same time. When I listen to the sound, it   automatically creates an image in my mind for me. I picture someone sitting by the water trying to relax, but then there are all these obstacles and annoyances that come in and out of hearing range that need to just go away. This happens to me because I hear that comforting noise of water in the background and then slowly other noises come into the picture in a very subtle manner.

A message that this piece seems to convey to me is that even in the most serene places, one can have issues that they can't avoid.

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